Inspirational People
If you're feeling stuck in a rut, browse through our collection of favorite adventurous trailblazers in the Scottish adventure community. These adventurers embody the spirit of bold innovation and are taking leaps forward in their field. They're pushing boundaries, smashing stereotypes, and overcoming obstacles.
lessons in badassery | Jennifer Tough
When it comes to physical and mental limits, endurance Edinburgh based adventurer Jenny Tough is pretty familiar with pushing beyond hers.
Jenny's website.
The Trail Angel | Cat Sutherland
So you might have guessed already. I’m an outdoor soul at heart, who is most at home planning and taking on adventurous exploits. My name is Catriona and I love nothing more than time spent pouring over maps; researching far-flung, future escapades with a coffee in hand.
Catriona's website.
Highland 550 | Lee Craigie
The extreme physical and emotional demands of multi-day bike racing often change people. It moves some to tears, and others to the brink of collapse. The Highland Trail 550 is no different. For former pro mountain bike racer and current UK 24 Hour Champion Lee Craigie it was such a profound experience she needed to share the story.
Lee's website.
winter ramsay round | Donnie Campbell
Late last year, Donnie Campbell broke the winter record for the Ramsay’s Round. The Edinburgh personal trainer beat the previous best time for the gruelling 56-mile route over 24 mountains by 12 minutes to finish in 23 hours and six minutes. FionaOutdoors
Donnie's website.
Colin Henderson is a photographer based in Scotland who specialises in outdoor sports, mountain adventure and landscape photography. His aim is to illustrate inspiring subjects from dramatic locations around the globe, making creative use of the landscape to produce striking and emotive imagery that clients use to promote products, people, places and health. Of all the places Colin has visited he still thinks Scotland is the best (although, if pushed, he’d share that he does wish we had more stable weather!). Colin's website.